Wednesday 3 November 2010

the belated Halloween post

Hi guys!

So here it is - finally- the Halloween post. I went to a theme park called "Movie Park" with two friends (poor Patrick wasn't able to join us, he had to work).

First of all I have to say: I was SO disappointed! You were not allowed to wear a costume in the park because there were costumed actors and the park management wanted to prevent a mix-up of visitors and employees :-(
No zombie nurse costume for me this year...well, I'll safe it up for carnival or Halloween next year.

Alright, first we got us a map and checked out the attractions and rides. There were promising names like "Deathspital", "Panic Zone" or "Paranormal Activity" and furthermore the broschure said something about 200 live-actors that would run around in the "Horror Village".

The Horror Village was what normally is the gift shop street, only with some Halloween decoration - woohoo... It looked cute though because under the huge cobwebs the buildings still were painted in bright colours :)

Then it got dark and they managed to get this cool atmospheric fog hanging in the air around the whole park, it completed the perfect Halloween weather we had that day (drizzle, cold air and a nasty dampness). And then the haunting began...

...well, at least it seemed like. There was a zombie parade that marched through the whole park and their costumes were really good, but what bothered me was that they didn't play their roles at all...

... They only marched along. For me zombies have a slow walk and they grunt or moan or something (because I'm a fan of the oldschool zombies, I hate the new generation of zombies that can run and jump and shoot a weapon). Anyway, the zombie parade was a bit lame.

When the parade was over the zombies and monsters spread and walked around on the streets. Unfortunately there were so many people that the actors were busy posing for photos instead of spooking someone.

In front of the special horror attractions there were endless queues with waiting times of up to two hours. As we didn't know if it would be worth waiting, we pushed in somewhere (nasty I admit, but effective).

Well, what can I say? In the end all the fantastically advertised horror attractions turned out as little walk-through parcours with costumed guys jumping out of corners to shock you - it really was even below funfair ghost train niveau.
This "super-special super-spooky horror programme" wasn't worth the 30 Euro entrance fee.

But we made the best of it and had fun anyway, so it wasn't all that bad. At least there was this zombie guy with a fake chainsaw with authentic sound effects who scared the hell out of teenage girls all of the time :)

However, next year I'll invest the 30 Euro in good a old Halloween party with friends and beer and candy.

I hope you enjoyed the few photos and that your Halloween was fantastic!

Happy Tuesday!
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  1. thats good you got out though :) Next year i plan on going to throw a party or something myself. This year I stayed in and ate candy, lol

    Hope you have a lovely week!

  2. How lame! I think YOU should plan an awesome festival! You seem to have a feel for these things. I would come! :-)

    PS- my comment sounds sarcastic, but it isn't at all. It's so hard to convey tone through writing a quick comment.

  3. Hehe thank you girls! Fortunately there's a whole year to make plans for a better Halloween 2011 :) I'll think about an own party the next 363 days ;)

  4. Com certeza foi melhor do que no Brasil que esse dia passamos sem festas e brincadeiras.
    Que bom ver sua postagem, parece que estou no filme.
    Lucy Viana

  5. They didn't let you wear costumes! That's such a downer!

  6. Hey Carina! Oh, sorry it wasn't what you were hoping for! I enjoyed your pics tho :)
    It was too bad you couldn't wear your costume, darnit!

  7. Das sieht echt interessant und gruselig aus, bei mir ist ebenfalls ein rießen Freizeitpark in der Nähe (Europa Park) da gibts an Halloween ebenfalls eine Party, an der immer Marc Terrenzi dabei ist und verkleidet durch die Menge läuft.
    Echt toll.

  8. wow, the costumes look good, it's a shame it wasn't what you thought. But it's awesome you got to go

  9. What a pity! Next year spend it on booze and snacks and the odd costume.
    Have a happy Wednesday.


  10. Hallowen there rocks!! =)

  11. The Movie Park looks AWESOME! I wish we have one like that here in the States (in my area)! I love seeing others in spooky Halloween costume! lol so all I did was going on a hayride, waiting excitedly for Texas Chain Saw!

    Have another awesome day! (:

    Sanny's Head to Heart

  12. Oh wow that's super lame, here we have a thing called "Fright Night" at Movie World. Everyone HAS to dress up in costumes to get in, but it's still pretty lame :P


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