Hi guys!
Between the Ireland posts I'd like to squeeze this one in: THANK YOU SO MUCH! Many many thanks to all you amazing readers out there who kept clicking my little green Kleiderkreisel social plug-in in the last two weeks! Thank you so much for the support, it was really worth it because:
How awesome is that?!
Kleiderkreisel, a German clothes swapping website, sponsors a trip to The Hive in Berlin for me and a friend!
The Hive is the first European blogger conference ever.
"The Hive created a blog conference where design and lifestyle bloggers in all their forms— foodies, photographers, mum bloggers, travelers, fashionistas, interior designers, product placers, adventurers — come together, share ideas and connect."
(text and pic above borrowed from the The Hive website)
I can't wait, this is so so cool! Lucky me! :) I'm so excited!
Thanks for clicking guys!
And thanks to Kleiderkreisel for this great prize!
Have a lovely day and prepare for more Ireland pics in the next posts!
Geilo! Gratuliere!