Monday, 29 October 2012

white walls, empty halls

Hi guys!

If you follow me on Facebook you have already seen this, but for everyone who doesn't follow along the Bad Taste Toast FB page: here is the first pic of me in my new apartment! :)

It's still empty, I got the keys two days ago. I'm going to pack my stuff at the old apartment as quick as possible so I can move in asap to get away from the ex who is not good for me at the moment.
Fortunately I'm still able to stay at a friend's place until the moving is done. Can't wait to get away from P, don't want to hear from him anymore, I'm so done with him.

Anyway, wishing you all a great start into the new week! :)


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  1. Glad to see that things are starting to get better for you! Can't wait to see how you decorate the new apartment!

    Following you on fb. )

  2. So glad to hear you have found somewhere else to live, I cannot even imagine how awful it was having to go see him every time you needed something. Looking gorgeous as always xo

  3. Aww I'm so glad you were able to find a place for yourself!!! That's good, this will be a good fresh start for you
    You look very fallesque! I love it!


  4. Amazing post!

    2 words.. LOVE IT!



  5. hope things turn out better for you darling, it will be rough but once you get that freedom again, you'll be so so so excited that you did. YOU DESERVE BETTER, BEAUTIFUL!

  6. YAY!
    Du bist zurück.
    Und trotz der ganzen Kacke siehst du top aus, Hut ab!

  7. Sorry for not commenting here for so long... So sad to hear that your relationship ended, and on such a sour note... I do hope you're feeling better and the move will do you good! I'm sure you'll enjoy furnishing the new place! :)

    Think of the future and never regret the past - that's what I'm usually telling to myself, but I know how difficult it is to follow through!

    Big hug! :)

  8. Gah, I know how you feel. When me & my ex broke up I wanted to kick his ass out ASAP, including all of his stuff and every other little thing that reminded me of him. It'll be best to just not be around him at all. Love your hair, boots and cardi, looking super cosy!

  9. ich freue mich so das du eine neue wohnun gefunden hast! das wird jetzt ein guter neue start für dich :)

    Du schaust super aus! :)



Thank you so much for your comments, I really appreciate every single one! <3


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