I've been blogging here on Bad Taste Toast for the last 4,5 years and I'm still enjoying it - actually even more than in the beginning.
At first it was hard to gain attention, find a style, get a routine, build a readership etc.
Now I have all of the above and I'm really happy and proud.
Even though I'm rather a quitter if things don't work out from the start, this blog is one of the few things I didn't chuck. As overly dramatic as it may sound, it has taught me to keep trying and that success doesn't come easy.
That's why today I'll take about what I love most about blogging and what it has taught me.
1. language skills
4,5 years ago I decided to blog in English for practicing reasons. Best decision ever! I studied English at university where I rather learned the formal version. In my spare time however the blogosphere with its variety of different people from all over the world really improved my colloquial English skills.
In relation to this I also improved my writing skills because when you write a blog post you of course want to express yourself properly and not sound like an idiot.
2. photography skills
In 2010 I started taking outfit pictures with a crappy cheapo point and shoot camera (e.g. here) and after a while found out that this wasn't enough. I wanted photos of better quality and in the course of the years that followed I read up about basic photography rules, got a DSLR and tried to develop my skills.
Today I'm still an amateur but it's getting better.
At first it was hard to gain attention, find a style, get a routine, build a readership etc.
Now I have all of the above and I'm really happy and proud.
Even though I'm rather a quitter if things don't work out from the start, this blog is one of the few things I didn't chuck. As overly dramatic as it may sound, it has taught me to keep trying and that success doesn't come easy.
That's why today I'll take about what I love most about blogging and what it has taught me.
1. language skills
4,5 years ago I decided to blog in English for practicing reasons. Best decision ever! I studied English at university where I rather learned the formal version. In my spare time however the blogosphere with its variety of different people from all over the world really improved my colloquial English skills.
In relation to this I also improved my writing skills because when you write a blog post you of course want to express yourself properly and not sound like an idiot.
2. photography skills
In 2010 I started taking outfit pictures with a crappy cheapo point and shoot camera (e.g. here) and after a while found out that this wasn't enough. I wanted photos of better quality and in the course of the years that followed I read up about basic photography rules, got a DSLR and tried to develop my skills.
Today I'm still an amateur but it's getting better.

3. web design skills
I once did an internship at a graphic design office at the age of 19 but still when I started blogging I had no idea about web design whatsoever! For beginners Blogger.com provides easy ways to design a layout but very soon I wanted more. So I dived into the confusing world of HTML gibberish, templates and Youtube turorials. It sucked and it often still confuses me but it was totally worth learning it because I can decide what I want my blog to look like.
4. fashion and make up skills
Blogging has definitely taught me a lot about these two. Some years ago I didn't have the slightest idea about what skort, OOTD, LBD or jeggings are.
The blog also challenged me to bring a variety into my everyday dressing habits, to create new looks with old pieces, to remix items, to only wear what maks me feel good and to not go with trends but with your own personal development. Today I pay more attention to make up and styling without acting like a shallow fashion victim and I like it.
I once did an internship at a graphic design office at the age of 19 but still when I started blogging I had no idea about web design whatsoever! For beginners Blogger.com provides easy ways to design a layout but very soon I wanted more. So I dived into the confusing world of HTML gibberish, templates and Youtube turorials. It sucked and it often still confuses me but it was totally worth learning it because I can decide what I want my blog to look like.
4. fashion and make up skills
Blogging has definitely taught me a lot about these two. Some years ago I didn't have the slightest idea about what skort, OOTD, LBD or jeggings are.
The blog also challenged me to bring a variety into my everyday dressing habits, to create new looks with old pieces, to remix items, to only wear what maks me feel good and to not go with trends but with your own personal development. Today I pay more attention to make up and styling without acting like a shallow fashion victim and I like it.

5. networking skills
It's only a part of the networking aspect but through this blog I've made some great friends from all over the world. It's amazing how blogging brings people together! Without Bad taste Toast I wouldn't have met Mona from Canada or Madeline from Hungary. I wouldn't have teamed up for a giveaway with Anni who lives in the USA now and I wouldn't have had the chance to visit the first European Blogger Conference with lots of different interesting poeple.
6. internet skills
I have discovered so many interesting, helpful and inspiring websites, apps and tools and it doesn't stop because there are new discoveries every single day. I've come across lovely online shops, found great social media sites, swapping platforms, daily reads etc.
I learned about privacy settings, search engines, hashtags, media law and lots and lots of other things that are very helpful outside of the blogging world too.
It's only a part of the networking aspect but through this blog I've made some great friends from all over the world. It's amazing how blogging brings people together! Without Bad taste Toast I wouldn't have met Mona from Canada or Madeline from Hungary. I wouldn't have teamed up for a giveaway with Anni who lives in the USA now and I wouldn't have had the chance to visit the first European Blogger Conference with lots of different interesting poeple.
6. internet skills
I have discovered so many interesting, helpful and inspiring websites, apps and tools and it doesn't stop because there are new discoveries every single day. I've come across lovely online shops, found great social media sites, swapping platforms, daily reads etc.
I learned about privacy settings, search engines, hashtags, media law and lots and lots of other things that are very helpful outside of the blogging world too.

7. explorer skills
Sounds over-the-top but I've become more of an explorer. I keep looking for new photo locations or places to blog about, leave familiar paths and developed a bigger interest in my environment. Not only in Düsseldorf but also when I'm in other cities. For example in Budapest where entering a doorway on a main street can lead you to the most beautiful magical hidden bazaar.
That's what blogging has done for me. There are millions of other little things I could name, but they basically all belong to these seven points I listed above.
What has blogging done to you?
Can you find yourself in what I wrote? Or did it teach you other things?
What are your experiences?
Sounds over-the-top but I've become more of an explorer. I keep looking for new photo locations or places to blog about, leave familiar paths and developed a bigger interest in my environment. Not only in Düsseldorf but also when I'm in other cities. For example in Budapest where entering a doorway on a main street can lead you to the most beautiful magical hidden bazaar.
That's what blogging has done for me. There are millions of other little things I could name, but they basically all belong to these seven points I listed above.
What has blogging done to you?
Can you find yourself in what I wrote? Or did it teach you other things?
What are your experiences?
Happy Thursday!
Kudos to you for your accomplishments in learning another language, learning more about photography and keeping up with your blogging.
ReplyDeleteYour lace overlaid H+M dress is lovely and looks fabulous styled with black tights. Your yellow Primark cardigan and red Kleiderkreisel beanie look pretty styled together.
I love your blog posts - you obviously put a lot of time into them - they're nice to see and read.
I enjoyed reading this as I have thought about some of this stuff too. I use to take photos with my iPhone, now it's a digital camera but I want a better camera and to take photography classes. I really enjoy following and reading your blog. Yours is one of the first I go to to read when I see it up on bloglovin. Great post! Rachel xo
ReplyDeleteYou look awesome, lady! I've got crappy point-and-shoot photos exactly like that :P Oh, how far we've come!
I really enjoyed reading this hunny. And in the end, it's how you have become within the improvement in blogging sphere :)
ReplyDeleteGreat post! Always enjoy reading posts like this! Thanks for sharing! Your beanie is so cute!
Da soll mal noch einer Behaupten das Bloggen ist ein Hobby, das einem nichts bringt. ;)
ReplyDeleteWas Webdesign angeht hätte ich ohne Blog wohl auch gar keine Kenntnisse in der Richtung!
Ich bin auch ein Sprach-Perfektionist! Das hast du mit diesem Ausdruck perfekt auf den Punkt gebracht. Gerade wenn das Thema dann auch noch etwas schwieriger ist und man bestimmte Dinge auf bestimmte, feinfühlige Art sagen will (ohne unprofessionell zu klingen) wird es echt schwierig und ich sitze ewig an so einer Mail...
I love the colour scheme. The mustard yellow sweater is my favourite.
ReplyDeleteI agree with all of the things you've said about blogging. It's a great little learning curve.
Wardrobe Quarry
Ein extrem geiler Beitrag!
ReplyDeleteEs ist wirklich so, wenn man das gerne und gut macht, dann lernt man eine ganze Menge dazu. Denn man will erstens immer besser werden und zweitens ergeben sich mit der Zeit immr noch ganz neue Bereiche in die man zuvor noch nie seine Nase rein gesteckt hat! Ich hab gerade vor deinen englischen Texten großen Respekt, weil dus nicht nur 0815 übersetzt sondern wirklich gescheit! Ich könnt das echt nicht. Ich versteh zwar hier immer fast alles, aber schreiben ist immer nochmal was andres. Grad wenns um die richtige Grammatik geht.
Was die Fotografie angeht. Da hab ich auch vieles gelernt. Obwohl ich auch einiges kann, weil mein Job da ja sehr nah dran liegt ists doch was andres und ich glaub da lernt man nie aus!
Mit Webdesign kenn ich mich echt noch nicht so dolle aus, ab er ich hab ein paar Kleinigkeiten schon dazu gelernt und wenn man wirklich will, kann man im Netz so viele sinnvolle Hilfen finden, die einen echt vorwärts bringen. Mode und Make-Up ... da geb ich dir vollkommen recht. Es ist wirklich so viel Inspiration und man kann so viel dazu lernen! Ich bin nicht so die Schminkerin und hab schon einiges dazu gelernt durch Blogs.
Ich denke man lernt hier wirklich immer noch was dazu, ganz egal um was es geht. Auch was menschliches angeht. Ich bin aber auch froh wie viel nette Leute ich hier immer wieder kennenlern. Vieles in der Bloggerwelt ist so extrem oberflächlich. Da ist es immer wieder schön mal andre Seiten zu sehen. By the way (das bekomm ich in englisch noch hin :-D) richtig toller Look mit super schönen Farben!
I Love this post, you are so right on very point, I feel like blogging had taught me similar lessons. Love your saffron yellow cardigan and the adorable bag, the lace dress is so pretty. Have a wonderful start to the weekend!
ReplyDeleteBlogging has definitely taught me more about photography and networking! Love this!!
ReplyDeletexo TJ
Great post,its nice reading what blogging has taught you.4 years and you are still on good work dear
ReplyDeleteHave a fantastic weekend
Ich finde deinen Blog so super und down-to-earth, bleib dabei!
ReplyDeleteDein Iutfit ist auch mal wieder wunderschön, ich brauche auch so ein kleid!
Liebe Grüße,
You're right, blogging is an amazing and rich experience :)
ReplyDeleteI love the color of your cardigan !
Bisous !
Love the post! And the outfit is amazing!!!
Aww lol, I'm glad we met too. I've seen so many articles and FB viral shares popping up recently about how online friends are "real" friends too, and I most certainly agree!! <3 ya!
ReplyDeletePS. And hi Madeline if you're reading this, I'm happy we met too :)
PPS. European Blogger Conference?? That's exciting!
vielen lieben Dank, habe mich sehr über deinen Kommentar gefreut ❤️❤️Hab noch ein schönen Sonntag!!
ReplyDeleteI just started reading your blog and wanted to say I love your style. And your English is quite good! Keep on keepin' on :)
ReplyDeletexo Carbar @ http://hellocarbar.com
Haha I still need to learn some explorer skills but I've improved in many of these areas too, I think. I really enjoy reading your blog. You have such a cute style. I especially love how this yellow cardigan looks with your white dress.
Ah Im fairly new at blogging compared to you but I definitely hope that blogging helps both my photography and networking skills. I love that blogging has helped me meet all different people from all over.
This post is so brilliant, it perfectly sums up all the good qualities of blogging!
ReplyDeletethis is such a cute & whimsical outfit! i esp. love the colour combo! glad to learn that u have gained so much through blogging. as for me, my blog stops me from being a sloppy dresser. hahaha.
im so happy to have started reading your blog. i share the same sentiments in terms of the lessons i've learned in blogging in the last 2+ years. minus, the web designing part, my blog has really taught me how to communicate, explore and photograph more :)
ReplyDeleteAnimated Confessions
I love the white dress in these punctures ... I myself have been on the lookout for a white summer dress over the previous few summers ... I'm worried about it getting dirty though haha!!
ReplyDeleteDo yup take your pictures yourself wi tripods etc or does someone help yup out?
Haha at autocorrect its meant to read *pictures and *yup