Thursday, 12 June 2014

if it ain't broke break it

if it ain't broke break it outfit post title


Today is really stressing me out...
University is killing me with its stupid bureaucracy!
I have passed my bachelor and have been trying to apply for receiving my certificate so I can leave the student life behind and start an exciting new chapter as an adult with a real job and actual wages that pay the bills. Well actually not, I will officially stay a student until the end of the semester, but you guys get my point right?
I'm sick of uni, it has taken me way too long to finish my studies anyway. I want to leave now and never go back there because I'm so fed up. But no, uni does not let me go so easily.
Fill in this form, go and get that confirmation about whatever crap they want. I ran back and forth for four hours today with documents and forms and I'm still not able to apply for my credentials because in 2011 some lecturer forgot to forward my grade for an exam to the examination office.
Can you believe how shocked I was today when they told me that I would still have to pass another exam?! After I already passed my degree?! Seriously?!
Fortunately we were able to find out that this is not the case. Phew! However I still have to postpone my application for another week now and that sucks because I'm so impatient.
University of Düsseldorf, your administration sucks balls!! 

Okay, enough agitation, now for something positive: I found a fantastic "Irish Imports" playlist on Spotify! Lots of nice Irish music, so perfect for calming down after a stressful day. Now I'm in my bedroom, peacefully blogging away my time with the window open and a cup of coffee next to me. Life can be quite nice too sometimes...

I've been listening to the first 30 songs already and love it! Good mix of Irish folk, rock, pop and some classics. This would definitely also be great for a roadtrip along the Irish coasts in the summer. If I could only go and book a flight now... 

The only thing I need to feel completely good again is food so I think I'll go and improvise something in the kitchen now. Do you know fried eggs on toast with cheese and ham? Awesome snack! Yup I think fried eggs it is.

Happy Thursday!

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  1. Love love love your dress :)

  2. schöner look, ich finde deine haare toll :)
    xx Lia

  3. That's a really cute dress! Good luck with bureaucracy! :)

  4. Really great outfit, I love the fun summer pattern. Also Im with you there, I already have my bachelors but still have to continue with school for masters just so that I can try to get a decent job. Sometimes it feels like I will be in school forever.

  5. Sorry about all your university agitation, my husband is there now with agitation and getting things together for starting back to a university this fall. It sounds lovely though to be next to a computer with a good cup of coffee and music going, something I almost envy about now. But life is good! Rachel xo

  6. Wart's mal noch ab - ich bin seit einer Weile offiziell erwachsen und würde ganz gern wieder zur Uni zurück! Nicht, dass ich weniger zu tun gehabt hätte (eher mehr), aber die freiere Zeitgestaltung liegt mir doch mehr als striktes 9-5.
    Genieß also deinen freien Sommer!!


  7. Das Kleid ist ganz toll, das wäre auch etwas für mich! =)

    GLG, Sabrina

  8. Hallo :)
    Daaaaanke danke dir für die lieben Kommis und Kompliments :*
    Freut mich!
    Die Tasche ist so unendlich geil ^^
    Ein tolles Kleid! Steht dir wirklich sehr sehr gut! :)
    Alles Liebe

  9. Ugh, I hates college. I finished one year and never went back. Just wasn't for me. Not everyone is cut our for college so I super admire anyone who can stick with it. I used to be in an Irish band just a couple years ago. I played accordion (poorly) and percussion. That band sucked I got SO sick of the music and now I just can't stand to hear any more of it.

  10. Süßes Kleidchen! Ich stelle es mir mit Boots auch sehr lässig vor!

    Liebste Grüße,
    Vanessa von Vaneshion

  11. Your dress is amazing, good luck with your uni :)

  12. Sooooooooooo ein hübsches Kleid! Die Farbn stehn dir total gut und passen so toll zur Haarpracht! Hübsch kombiniert :-)
    Ich konnt mir leider den Text heut nicht durchlesen da ich schon wieder auf dem 'Sprung zum Geburtstag der Schwester bin, aber beim nächsten Mal nehm ich mir wieder Zeit :-)

  13. Cool casual outfit. Sorry to hear about your uni, I hope you get your certificate asap. I'm going back to finish my degree in sept, xoxo.

  14. Das Kleid ist total schön, das Muster gefällt mir richtig gut. :)
    Und ich hoffe, dass du bei dem ganzen Stress mit der Uni jetzt dein Toast mit Ei und Schinken genießt, darauf hätte ich jetzt nämlich auch wirklich große Lust. ;)

    Liebe Grüße

  15. Süßes Kleid ,es paßt sooo gut zu dir <3

    Liebe Grüße!

  16. Great dress! I love the colours so much!

  17. Great dress, I like that print <3


  18. I love having a cup of tea next to an open window, listening to the birds :)

    That dress has a stunning print, looks gorgeous next to your red hair!

    Gems x
    Fashion, Well Done

  19. Your dress is so gorgeous, I just love the pattern! Your bag is pretty cute too :) You look so wonderfully summery! I hope you manage to sort your uni stuff out, that sounds so frustrating xx


Thank you so much for your comments, I really appreciate every single one! <3


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