[DE] Hallo ihr Lieben!
Die letzten drei Tage lag ich schwach und von Grippe geplagt im Bett und habe außer Schlafen und Dokus gucken nicht viel auf die Kette gekriegt. Heute bin ich wieder einigermaßen fit, war auch brav wieder arbeiten und konnte mich dazu aufraffen endlich wieder zu bloggen.
Auf den Fotos seht ihr mein Outfit von letztem Sonntag als wir zu einem Kindergeburtstag eingeladen waren. Jarryds kleiner Neffe ist 2 Jahre alt geworden, das war vielleicht ein Trubel! Aber hat Spaß gemacht. Es gab Hotdogs, viele süße Leckereien, eine Hüpfburg, eine Pinata und ganz viel Action. Ich hab eine sehr kleine Familie und bin es gar nicht gewohnt "Tante Ina" zu sein, ich muss in diese Rolle irgendwie erst noch reinwachsen, aber es wird langsam.
Das Kleidchen und die Schuhe sind übrigens Neuzugänge, die ich am liebsten gar nicht mehr ausziehen mag. Das Kleid habe ich noch neu mit Etikett im Second Hand Shop für schlappe 8 Dollar gefunden und die hübschen Schnürboots sind von BigW für 29 Dollar (ein Close-Up Foto könnt ihr weiter unten sehen).

//denim shirt: h&m // necklace: six // dress: temt (via salvos) // belt: vintage // shoes: bigw //
[EN] Hello lovelies!
The last three days I've spent mostly in bed watching documentaries and napping.
I had caught the flu, so annoying! I hate feeling all blergh. I love to sleep all day though, hihi...
Thank God I feel better again. I was back to work today and now I'm back to blogging too. Success!
The outfit in the pictures is what I wore to a birthday bash on Sunday when Jarryd's little nephew turned 2.What a party! There were hotdogs, lots of sweets, a bouncy castle, a pinata and lots of action! My family is really small so I'm still not completely used to being "Aunty Ina" to a toddler but I guess this role is somewhat growing on me.
Now for something different: This cute floral dress and the booties are new finds that will definitely become favourites very quickly! I dug out the dress at the thrift shop, it was still new with tags and cost me $8. The lace up boots were $29 at BigW (scroll down for a close up pic of them).

[DE] Ist das Blumenmuster nicht einfach superduperschön? Und es passt so gut zu meinen (endlich!) frisch gefärbten Haaren! Das Farbschema verrät es schon: ich kann den australischen Herbst kaum abwarten! Ich hab jetzt zwei Sommer hintereinander erlebt, erst den deutschen und dann direkt im Anschluss den australischen - ich hab die Hitze jetzt total satt! Ich will meinen wohlverdienten Herbst!
[EN] Isn't the floral print just super duper gorgeous? And it matches my (finally!) freshly dyed hair perfectly! The colour palette already gives it away: I can't wait for the Australian autumn! I have experienced two summers in a row now, first the German one and then directly after that the Australian summer. I'm so sick of heat! I want my well deserved autumn now!

[DE] So das war's für heute. Habt einen schönen Tag!
[EN] That's it for today. Have a lovely day everyone!
Whaaat! That dress is freakin' cute, I can't believe you found it brand new! That makes me want to go thrifting again, lol.
ReplyDeleteI’m so in love with your blog! It’s so beautiful! Great photos & posts!
ReplyDeleteI’ll be happy to see you in my blog)
Diana Cloudlet
The colourful floral print on your dress is beautiful, and what a bargain! I'm glad you're feeling better after having come down with that flu. Your necklace and lipstick also look pretty. Enjoy your Autumn!
I want some simple black boots like that! Love the outfit. The flu is gross.
ReplyDeletethat dress is lovely! i've been recovering from a cold recently too, boo. but glad that we're both feeling better now! and that sounds like a fun wee birthday party:-) x
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you're feeling better. I hope you at least had chance to catch up on some TV shows and blogs while you were ill!
ReplyDeleteLove the dress, you look stunning :)
Corinne x
Your dress is so gorgeous, beautiful colours and one of my favourite prints. In relation to my last post, I usually don't fit in the kids shoes in Target but those shoes went up to the equivalent of a 38 so I was lucky (no idea why they went up to usual adult sizes). Hope you are enjoying the Target and the Kmart over here in Australia.
ReplyDeleteYou are so gorgeous! Love your look! Your fashion game is def on point! xo
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your Sunday! (:
❤ www.thekawaiiplanet.com ❤
really cute dress, glad you're feeling better!
ReplyDeletexx danielle // shades of danielle
Cute, love the florals.
Love this outfit, very awesome necklace :)
Hübsches Kleid!
ReplyDeleteX, Ania - www.overdivity-fashion.blogspot.de
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that dress looks really nice on you!!! :D looking great, dear!
ReplyDeletehave a great week!
Animated Confessions
Hi Ina, glad to hear you are feeling much better now. The dress is beautiful and I love how you've styled it with the boots. Great necklace too. xo
ReplyDeleteGet well and you look great I love your hair, fabulous colour!