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[DE] Hallooo!
Ich bin ein wenig spät dran mit meinem St Patrick's Day Outfit, aber tadaaa hier ist es! Schön grün so wie sich das gehört.
Leider habe ich den St. Paddy's Day dieses Jahr nicht feiern können da ich 1. arbeiten musste, 2. abends zum Kickboxen gegangen bin, 3. keinen Alkohol trinke weil es hier einfach megateuer ist und ich außerdem wieder Weight Watchers mache und 4. weil Jarryd abends arbeiten musste und ich außer ihm hier noch niemanden kenne und keine Freunde zum Weggehen hab.
Also hab ich nur im Geiste gefeiert und in schönen Erinnerungen an die grüne Insel geschwelgt. Mein erster und einziger Trip nach Irland ist schon viel zu lange her und ich will unbedingt bald wieder hin, hach es ist SO schön dort.

// dress: sportsgirl (via salvos) // cardi: zara // necklace: kmart // tote bag: ebay // shoes: bigw //
[EN] Hellooo!
I'm a little late but taadaaa here is my St. Patrick's Day outfit. In all shades of Green, exactly how it's supposed to be!
Unfortunately I wasn't really able to celebrate St. Paddy's because 1. I had to work, 2. I went to kickboxing class in the evening, 3. I don't drink alcohol because it's super expensive here and I'm doing Weight Watchers and 4. Jarryd had to work and I don't have any other friends here yet so I didn't have anyone to go out with anyway.
So I celebrated in my mind's eye only and thought back to my last trip to the Emerald Island, which was too long ago. I fell in love with the country, landscape and people when I went to Ireland in 2012 and I would love to go there again soon. It's SO beautiful there!

Dieses wunderhübsche Kleidchen von Sportsgirl habe ich vor ein paar Wochen im Secondhand Shop ergattern können. Ich wollte ja immer schon ein Skaterdress aus neopren-ähnlichem Stoff haben und Zack da war es dann plötzlich, noch in tiptop Zustand wie neu und für nur $16, juhu! Und dann auch noch mit Klunker-Print! Jarryd nennt es das Illuminati-Kleid - ich sehe da aber eher Smaragde. Was meint ihr so?
[EN] I found this pretty little dress at the thrift shop the other day. I always wanted one of these neoprene (-ish) skater dresses and boom there it was all of a sudden, still in flawless condition and $16 only, yay! And even with gemstone print! Jarryd likes to call it the Illuminati dress but I rather see emeralds - what do you think?

[DE] So ihr Lieben, da es hier schon Abend ist sage ich danke fürs Vorbeischauen und gute Nacht!
[EN] Okay loves, it's already evening here in Perth, so thanks for stopping by and good night!
Ina, i love the Necklace!!! <3 <3
ReplyDeleteYou know i love your style and you are dressed in my favourite colour!!!
Give Jarryd a Hug from me.
XoXo Denise
You styled a beautiful Saint Patrick's Day outfit. I love the gemstone print, shape and style of your Sportsgirl neoprene skater dress. To me the print has an emerald gemstones trough a kaleidoscope appearance - it's beautiful, and what a bargain! Thanks for your most recent comment conveying your sunshiny greetings from Perth on my post titled "THANK YOU 2014 Commenters, Bbloggers Beauty and Makeup Haul, No Pants Subway Ride 2015" and for encouraging me to work on another post (sorry I'm taking so long - naughty me) :)
ReplyDeleteSehr hübsch - diese Farbe steht dir wirklich sehr, sehr gut!
You look so stunning! Perfect for a Saint Patrick's Day :) !!!! I love your dress :)
i'm not the biggest fan of green, but i love your dress! and after you said you saw emeralds, that'd what i now see as well:-) such a pretty print! xx
ReplyDeleteI really like the pattern on this dress. It's just so neat! This is a wonderful St. Patrick's Day outfit. I agree that Ireland is gorgeous. I can't wait to make it back there someday.
ReplyDeleteJamie | PetitePanoply.com
An emerald green outfit is fine in my books, even if it isn't St. Patrick's Day! That dress is gorgeous and I love the fun print. I'm definitely on your side and see emeralds when I look at it. You're looking gorgeous as always, Ina!
Sweet Helen Grace
Oh Ina, I got your shoes from bigw. Great St Patrick's day outfit, the dress is lovely. xo
ReplyDeleteAww, danke, du Liebe! Du siehst auch wieder sehr bezaubernd aus <3
ReplyDeleteDas ist wirklich ein schönes Outfit!
ReplyDeleteDie Grüntöne gefallen mir unglaublich gut :)
Ich wollte mich auch noch für deinen lieben Kommentar bedanken, habe mich sehr gefreut! :)
xx Lia
I'm in love with this shade on you Carina! It goes perfectly with your hair color ;)
ReplyDeleteThe print is so chic as well!
Also, thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog! :)
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ Creme de la Chic ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡
Hope you're having a beautiful day! xx
nice look, beautiful, !!! I wait for my blog, if you want to follow by gfc¿¿¿ and follow you back, kisses !!
ReplyDeleteLOVE the print of your dress, it's so unusual!
Das Kleidchen ist so süß! Die Kette passt perfekt dazu!
ReplyDeleteWie immer super schöne Bilder :)
Ganz liebe Grüße zu dir :)
seriously though, sometimes just dressing up on St Patrick's day is enough for me!
ReplyDeleteThat dress is lovely! I'd love to try kickboxing, do you find it hard?
ReplyDeleteCorinne x
The print on that dress is so cool!
ReplyDeleteomg!! this green shade is phenomenal on you!!! so great with your skin tone and hair color!! :D
ReplyDeletehave a great week!
Animated Confessions
What a fun printed dress, I love the added cardigan!
ReplyDeleteRachel xo
Garay Treasures
what a gorgeous look dear =)
ReplyDeletegreen looks so fresh and clean on you.. makes your skin glowing !!
and what a lovely boots >.<
follow each other and be friend?
Tolles Outfit und Bilder. Grün ist Deine Farbe! <3
ReplyDeleteSporty Elegance
Love this! ♥
That entire outfit is so wild! I love it. :D
ReplyDeleteohhh ich mag diesen Look, das grün steht dir so gut und passt toll zu deiner Haarfarbe :)
ReplyDeleteViele liebe Grüße,
Jules von today is ...
You look great in that outfit! Thanks for following, I'm your new follower too! Kisses
ReplyDeleteThis is a really lovely frock - I love the gem like print! I had good intentions of celebrating St Patricks day in style, but it didn't really happen :P