Saturday, 24 March 2012

come on in

Hi guys!

How is everyone doing?
First of all thank you so so much for your kind and comforting comments on my last post, you are the best! <3
I'm sorry I neglected the blog a bit the last few days, but it was a really tiring week for me. First the unpleasant situation with my grandma (who I strongly believe rests in peace and is in a better place now), then a stressful time at work... And in the evening I never managed to come home before sunset and always forgot my cam at the apartment, so there are no real outfit or tourist pics.
It's Friday night now and I'm so exhausted that I'll simply stay at the apartment and relax instead of exploring the Budapest nightlife. I'll still have the whole Saturday and Sunday for running around, I really need some rest today, it were some crazy days ;)
Anyways, here is a mixture of attempts on outfit photos and some impressions of my accommodation:

As you can see the apartment is really lovely! I found it via Airbnb and I'm so glad my company agreed with it instead of sending to a hotel again, it's so much better to have a real kitchen when you're abroad!

Also I already had a little meet-up with my blogger friend Madline Quaint, she's from Budapest and showed me an adorable little café. We had some delicious cake and coffee there and took a walk afterwards, it was a lovely way to spend the evening after work. There are no photos of us yet, but we'll catch up with this when we meet again in the course of the next days - and then I will definitely not leave my cam at the apartment!

So I hope you like the impressions so far. I will try to take more outdoors photos again at the weekend ;)

I wish you all a great Friday night!

now playing: kate perry - part of me
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  1. Yay for blogger meetups! Thanks for the lovely shoutout! :) We'll definitely go into picture taking mode tomorrow. :D

    The apartment looks great and cozy! As a kid, I had that same little suitcase that's on the shelf by the way. :)

  2. Nice outfit...
    The apartment looks really comfortable and stylish. I love the colors and details on photos! ^^

  3. Lots of cute outfits! I especially like how colorful the first one is.

    Also, thanks for the complement on my green dress! It's from

  4. Schön, dass es dir nach dem ersten Schock wieder etwas (der Situation entsprechend) besser geht.
    Ich bin ebenfalls der Typ, der sich bei starken Emotionen eher in Arbeit stürzt, um sich abzulenken.
    Die lilafarbenen Wände des Appartments gefallen mir gut. Budapest ist so eine wunderschöne Stadt, ich sollte auch mal wieder hin. Wird sich bestimmt in den 9 Jahren Einiges verändert haben, die ich nicht mehr dort war.

  5. Hallo liebe Carina!
    Das Apartment sieht ja genial aus! *__*
    Vlt langweilst du dich ja zwischendurch mal auf deiner Reise und hast lust bei einem Tag mitzumachen? Ich hab dich aufjedenfall getagged ^^

  6. i need to be more colorful like you!

  7. Great shots!!! This looks like a lot of fun and you look like you're doing very well. I love all three outfits, you always inspire me with your cute casual put together looks. LOVE the first skirt

  8. Aw, I love all of your outfits in this post! Especially that yellow skirt. I want a yellow skirt these days. It just seems like it would feel so springy wearing it! Thank you so much for your comment:)

  9. Oh echt kein lidschatten? hihi ^^ Hätt ich nicht gedacht! Aber ja coool dann hast du ja vlt noch lust wenn du zuhause bist.

    Ich hab übrigens in der Tat muckies bekommen an den armen ;) Aber ab heute bin ich wieder krückenfrei, also werden die wohl auch schnell wieder verschwinden.

    Ach und ja ich find diese version von starry eyed auch 1000 mal besser als das original.

  10. Oh I love your apartment, especially the view! I'd go out on the roof all the time lol (I'm an explorer of things like that) ;) haha!

    You look absolutely adorable! I love all of your outfits, as always!, and the craziest thing - I have one of those Geisha dolls on my bookshelf too! mine is all wooden and a little painted (i think it's really old?) but i love it and i've never seen another one like it until just now! :)



Thank you so much for your comments, I really appreciate every single one! <3


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