Friday, 3 June 2011

shampoo with a message

Hi guys!

Isn't this a cool idea? I found this cosmetic products line in a local mgazine today and had to check out their website immediately!

The brand is called

Stop The Water While Using Me

and offers a little range of all natural cosmetics. You can order shampoo, shower gel, bodylotion and soap for reasonable prices. I mean it's not the cheap stuff you get at the drug store but for all natural cosmetics it positions itself in the price category of The Body Shop, Yves Rocher and so on I would say.

Their message is clear (and exemplary):

"We: stop using artificial ingedients and colours. Stop preservatives. Stop animal testing on our products. Stop non-biodegradable elements. Stop unnecessary plastic waste by using refillable bottles.
You: stop the water while using our products.."

(taken from their website's "about us" section)

I think I'll place an order and try out their "All Natural Sesame Sage Bodylotion" soon because I'm allergic to most artificial ingedients in bodylotions anyway and always have to buy the expensive ones from the pharmacy, so why not spend the same amount of money on this all natural product and try it?!
I'll let you know about it as soon as I start testing ;)

Have a lovely day!
I'll be back with a mobile snapshots post tomorrow.....

now playing: dredge - sanzen
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  1. I love this idea. It's so creative and there needs to be more products like this that gets the message across at just how important the environment is. x

  2. Sounds like such a good product, I'm sure it smells lovely too! I always find that my hair looks so much healthier when I use a vegan brand of shampoo, the other ones just make my hair feel not so great because of all of the chemicals...

  3. what a wonderful idea.
    rosemary/grapefruit sounds and prob. smells amazing.

  4. Yes, I love the message! We need more products like this one!

  5. okay that packaging is completely cute!

  6. ohja das ist eine super message! Man kann dadruch soviel Wasser sparen. Außerdem benutze ich eh fast nur noch Naturkosmetik, werde sie vllt auch mal ausprobieren :) Falls du was bestellst wäre es toll wenn du einen kurzen post drüber schrieben würdest :)

  7. love the design on these bottles x

  8. Na die Haare hab ich mal wieder heller gefärbt, hatte sie zwischendurch ja etwas dunkler. Und von unfreundlichen Kellner kann Düsseldorf scheinbar ein Liedchen singen, das einzig und ertse mal das mir freundliche Kellner begegnet sind war im Spaceburger (=genial!) und in so nem verranzten griech. restaurant in wersten. naja.
    Also diese Produkte gefallen mir ausgezeichnet! Tolle Botschaft! Ich bin ja so ein werbeopfer... :D

  9. This is perfect and I'm in love with the design. I love the idea of passing such an important message through that way. I'll check their website right now :)


Thank you so much for your comments, I really appreciate every single one! <3


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