Ello folks,
how are you? Did you have a nice weekend?
Remember when I was complaining about life getting in the way of my plans in the last post? Well, this time it got in the way big time! Right after posting my last post on Wednesday I headed for my weekly martial arts class - and came back hobbling.
I lost balance when we practiced punch defence, twisted my ankle and fell, then hobbled home. The next day I couldn't walk at all, so I hobbled to the hospital and they found out the right foot is broken.
I never had a broken bone in my life before, so I didn't know how annoying such a cast and crutches are - but damn do these things suck! I'm so looking forward to getting a splint instead next Thursday.

So since Thursday I've been staying at home in my pyjamas, putting my foot up and sipping on chai latte. I've been really lazy (the doc said I shouldn't move unless it's really necessary) and I'm very lucky that Jay is here to help me with all the little daily life things that are so much harder when you can't walk.
Have you ever tried to carry a mug of chai latte from the kitchen to the bedroom jumping? Fun fun fun! Especially when you spill half of it along the way...

The good thing about a broken foot is that you have lots of time to do stuff like editing photos, blogging and browsing. I don't really feel like taking outfit pictures at the moment, but luckily I still had these photos from Wednesday up my sleeve.
When I have to read for my bachelor thesis I like to do it on a cozy little coffee break because my concentration works much better with everyday life sounds around. So Jay and I went to one of my favourite cafés around the corner and treated ourselves with Latte and cake.
I swear I will be so fat when I finish my thesis! We do that all of the time when I have to read. I love our little coffee shop outings, but I already know I'll have to work out more again after he has left for Australia.
But oh well, until then we enjoy our time, so some extra cake is alright I guess.
Nooo I'm totally not trying to sugarcoat the situation here.....not at all! ;)

The outfit is cute and comfy, exactly what I need for these little reading sessions. It includes one of my favourite big cozy cardigans that I got from the Urban Outfitters sale last year. There's just the right amount of wool in it to make it comfy and warm without making my poor sensitive skin feel itchy.
Also these are my new favourite shoes! I bought them on a little trip to Venlo (Netherlands) on New Year's Eve and have been living in them since then. Awesome bargain as they were only 30 €, yippie!
Like them?

See, that's the cake. Who could resist, hm?! Please make me feel good and say "No one!" at this point now. ;)
Have a lovely Sunday everyone!

Love, love,love your essemble & the boots which are very, very similar to mine(booty twins:-). Take it easy!
Aww I am so sorry to hear about your foot!! That's awful, not fun at all. Breaking bones or being sick and not being able to do anything drives me mad, hopefully you'll heal quickly!!
ReplyDeleteLove this outfit, the blues and browns go together so perfectly. And that sweater looks oh so cozy ;)
Hope you feel better soon sweety, loving this sassy and creative mix of pieces, its so charming!
ReplyDeleteNo one! Certainly not me. The cheese cake and blueberry topping look scrumptious and totally irresistible. You look pretty and in excellent shape. Your pretty red hair contrasts nicely with the your blue print Primark blouse, H&M polka-dot skirt and dark blue tights. Your big cozy Urban Outfitters cardigan looks nice and your Kleiderkreisel necklace is pretty.
ReplyDeleteHow frustrating (and painful) having a broken foot. I hurt my right foot when I was younger. I suspect you'll build up the strength of your left leg while you're healing. Take care and heal well!
Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about your foot. I hope it heals up quickly. Not being able to walk normally must be super crappy.
ReplyDeleteAt least you look adorable in this outfit! I love the mix of prints and double shades of blue going on. Super cute!
Der Look ist toll!! :) Dieser Dot-Mix gefällt mir richtig gut und ich bin ein riesen Fan von Ethno-Cardis <3
ReplyDeletePS: Gute Besserung :)
ReplyDeleteIch habe mir schon mal zwei Zehen gebrochen gleichzeitig und eine Weile später wieder :D So doof kann auch nur ich sein.
Wow i relly loved your outfit!!
ReplyDeleteTolles Outfit, der Cardigan und dein Rock sind super schön! Und eine Haare mag ich total! Ich hoffe, dir gehts schnell besser!
ReplyDeleteHab einen schönen Tag!
Sorry to hear about your broken foot, dear! That would really put a damper on every day things, eh. Hope it heals as quick as possible!
ReplyDeleteYou look lovely here and I just adore this outfit. The polka dot on polka dot looks amazing and those boots are just perfect!
vielen lieben dank für deinen lieben kommentar :)
ReplyDeleteIch muss sagen, blau steht dir hervorragend, das bringt deine roten haare zum leuchten :)
Thanks for taking the time to stop by hun!
ReplyDeleteI really love the mix of patterns you're wearing, you look really cool! Your cardi and skirt especially are gorgeous :) I'm sorry you broke your foot, but the laziness does sound great, and that cake looks deliiicious! xx
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love this outfit! The mix of dot patterns go so well together and it looks so cozy! Also, I've always wanted to take a martial arts class - sounds so badass!!
ReplyDeleteDanke für deinen lieben Kommentar, habe mich sehr gefreut!
ReplyDeleteOh man, ich hoffe, dein Fuß heilt ganz, ganz schnell! Ist bestimmt voll nervig...
Der Rock ist übrigens spitze!
Dir noch einen entspannten Abend,
Oh no! I hope you get back on your feet in no time. Rest up and take it easy! :)
ReplyDeleteLoving your outfit. The polka dot skirt is too awesome!
Love the pattern on your shirt and how you've mixed it with the other patterns.
ReplyDeleteI hope your foot heels fast!
P.s. I am following you now on GFC and bloglovin'. Don't know why I wasn't already.
Wardrobe Quarry
Tu es belle ♥.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful! Love that skirt <333
I really love your style and your blog. Following. :)
ReplyDeleteEines der süßesten Outfits ever :) ,du siehst herzallerliebst aus <3
I LOVE your sense of style! So fashionable and so chic! Your hair color is so gorgeous..
ReplyDeleteThanks for leaving such a sweet comment on my blog! You are so nice :)
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ Creme de la Chic ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡
Oh no! So sorry to hear about your ankle! That is terrible! I have broken many bones before and it is horrible! I feel for you! At least you had these adorable photos up your sleeve! Love the cozy pattern mix!
I'm so sorry about your broken bone, babe!! A twisted ankle would've been enough, but a broken bone really tops it all, doesn't it? But if I'm honest, I do wanna see you carrying a mug of something.:D I hope it doesn't hurt (as much) at least...
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness - you poor thing :( Hope it mends soon and that it doesn't hurt too much!!
ReplyDeleteIve got suspected gallstones at the mo :(
Love that cardigan :) and you're right that cake looks delish :D
Sal xx
Oh no, sorry to hear about your broken foot! Get well soon, love the outfit btw :)
Aw, poor little foot! You're outfit it adorable though!
ReplyDeleteI love the mix of prints. Such a fun and gorgeous look. Stunning my friend.
ReplyDeleteSuch a cute outfit! I love your cardigan!
aww love the polka dot skirt so much! You look cute as always :)
ReplyDeleteGorgeous outfit! The skirt is so cute! And I hope your foot gets better quickly, hopping around with a chai latte sounds very difficult!
ReplyDeleteOH MY GOD YOU WALKED ON A BROKEN FOOT?! DO YOU HAVE PAIN TOLERANCE?! Haha that is so crazy! I can't believe it's broken, but thank goodness you're okay and there is someone to take care of you and treat you! You look absolutely gorgeous in you outfit, I really love the way you layer and always have. I hope you get to healing soon doll and that you don't run into any complications! My mom and ex both broke their leg/ankle and I couldn't imagine how it felt because they cried in agony for well over a week or two. it makes me nervous thinking about breaking a major bone like that, considering I've broken my wrist, and all ten toes more than once, but never a serious bone! eep!
lyndsey of hellolyndsey
Sorry to hear about your broken foot,can't believe you went to the doctors one day later ?! ouchie... Hope you get well soon!
ReplyDeleteLove your skirt btw it's adorable!!!
Ouch, I hope you feel better soon!
ReplyDeleteI was gonna say something lovely about your outfit, but it went out of my head when I saw that cake :)
Gems x
Fashion, Well Done
Super cute outfit--love the mix of prints! So sorry about your foot, but how awesome is it that you take martial arts?! Very cool!
ReplyDeleteGet well!
ReplyDeleteI also have a problem but with my right hand. :(
Your outfit looks comfy but chic at the same time. :)
Love your lip piercing. I have a passion for piercings. Hehe
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