Wednesday, 22 August 2012

chocolate fudge cake recipe

Hi guys!

This is a recipe I've wanted to share with you for some time but never made it to edit the photos. Now I did and believe me, it tastes as yummy as it looks! And it's so easy!
I made this as a belated birthday cake for Patrick (because he was on a business trip when he turned 27). he loves chcolate, so it was THE ultimate cake for him! :)

You need:

- a cake pan with 20-30 cm diameter

- 200g dark chocolate
- 200g butter
- 250g sugar
- 5 eggs
- 1 tbs flour

Step 1

Preheat the oven at 200° (Celsius).
Melt the chocolate and butter using the double-boiler method.
When liquid, add the sugar, stir for a minute, then let it all cool down.

Step 2

Add the eggs one by one, stirring constantly.
In the end add the flour. Stir again until you have a smooth dough.

Step 3

Easy-peasy: Fill the dough into the cake pan.
Bake at 200° (Celsius) for about 20 minutes.
The cake should still be soft in the middle when you gently push it with a finger.
Take the pan out of the oven and take out the cake immediately, then let it cool down.

Et voilà!

Enjoy! :)

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  1. Mhhhhhh sieht sehr sehr lecker aus, ich steh total drauf wenn es noch schön weich und halb fertig ist <3
    Dass ist definitv was wenn dass Wetter mal wieder schlechter wird und man sich gemütlich aufs Sofa lümmelt.

    Liebste Grüße Jenny

  2. These look so yummy !

  3. mnam!..thank you for recipe...M*

  4. Looks delicious! Now I'm hungry. Didn't you save a piece for me?

    Hugs and kisses,,


Thank you so much for your comments, I really appreciate every single one! <3


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