Monday, 30 July 2012

my footsteps, they hung in your hallways enough

Hi guys!

How are you? I hope everyone's having a nice Sunday?
Remember when I was complaining about a starting throat infection in the last post? Well, my  tonsils are better now, but instead a cough is initiating, woohoo... What is it with these summertime flus? I don't get it. I survived all the shit weather we had here so far and now that it was really hot outside for a week I fall ill? Come on, that sucks.
Anyway, how was your weekend? Did you do anything special?
On Friday I met two girls from the office for burgers and cocktails after work and yesterday we burned the midnight oil on a friend's birthday party. Damn, I really feel like I'm getting too old for staying out all night, so embarassing, but true... ;)

These pictures were taken on Monday, but somehow I forgot about them in the course of the week and when I rediscovered them, I noticed that I wore almost the same outfit to the aforementioned burger date on Friday. So until I manage to take new outfit pics these here will have to do.
This actually is a typical outfit scheme for me: shirt, cardi, skirt, tights, flats - ready to go.
It's a nice and cute everyday outfit that I can wear to work, university, to run errands - normal boring things. Plus a skirt always makes an outfit so much more comfortable to me than pants! I love to have legroom when fidgeting around on my desk chair at work. ;)

By the way, this cute plaid shirt is one of my latest swapping finds that I already showed you in this post.
Apart from that, there are only older pieces put together in this look and among them some of my favoutite accessories: the faux leather bracelet, the deer necklace and the moccasins that will go with almost anything in my wardrobe.

Have a good start into the new week tomorrow! :)

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  1. You look so beautiful, dear!
    I love your skirt <3

  2. oooh i like this! you look happy! :) I like all the things tat you match! they are so print-ish!! <3

  3. adorable outfit! you look so sweet

    from helen at // @thelovecatsinc

  4. Hoffentlich geht es Dir bald wieder besser, ich hatte auch eine leichte Erkältung. Allerdings von der Klimaanlage im Flugzeug :-D
    Das Wochenende wurde zuhause auch nur rumgegammelt und in den Urlaubsfotos versunken.
    Liebste Grüße und einen guten Start in die neue Woche


  5. Girl you are looking just so super gorgeous these days! I totally love that plaid top with the matching cardi and that adorable denim skirt- seriously every time I see it it makes me want to immediately go buy one!

    I feel that I'm getting too old to be getting out late like that too- the latest I stay up now days is around midnight, lol!


  6. This outfit is so wonderful!! I looove the colours together. The plaid is so perfect, and so is your bracelet, such a great piece!
    I am way too old for staying out all night, I stay out late every now and then but not a ton. I need my rest!

  7. du bist so süß! das outfit gefällt mir sehr sehr sehr! der rock mit dem hemd find ich soo gut! passt super, und ja ich fühl mich auch langsam viel zu alt wenn ich fort gehe, echt blöd :/ hehehe :)

    oh ich mach grad ein giveaway auf meinem blog, wär super wenns vorbei schaust


  8. ooo love that deer necklace!

    Hybid Hunter

  9. lovely outfit. I love your necklace so muchhh

    Thanks for your visit dear!



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