Hey loves!
The other day my blogger friend La Bohème tagged me for a fun project: the Wear It Pink Challenge, which was started to raise breast cancer awareness in breast cancer month October.
It was perfect timing because when I had been sorting out what clothes to take to Australia, I rediscovered this pretty pink dress in my closet. I purchased it on Ebay some months ago, it was a total bargain and I had totally forgotten about it. Well, now here it is! It's Pins and Needles by Urban Outfitters by the way and cost me something around 10 €.
I can imagine not many people bid on it because pink is a really hard-to-style colour - at least that's what I think. I've never been a fan of pink, I don't own many pink pieces. But maybe it's time to stock up on pink clothes? I kind of liked wearing it. What do you think?
Oh and I would also like to tag people for this Wear Pink Challenge, namely: Missy's World, Gems - Fashion Well Done and By Woods And Water.
Hope you'll have fun styling something pink ladies!

What else has happened? Not much, I'm still selling my furniture and this Friday I'll move out and crash on a friend's couch until next week - and then I'll fly to Australia, crazy!
Apart from preparing my departure I've been listening to Ed Sheeran, Passenger and Regina Spektor in turns. I'm a sucker for singer/songwriter music and these three have kept me company on cozy evenings at home lately. Just awesome voices and piano or guitar, good music doesn't need more.

I'v also started Weight Watchers again last week to finally tackle the 10 kilos I gained while writing my bachelor thesis and recovering from my broken foot earlier this year. I want to be fit for the Australian summer and need to get back to my feel good weight. After the first week not much has happened weight-wise because my body has to get used to the new diet again, but I know it'll get better in the course of the next weeks. Last time it started working after 2-3 weeks and I eventually lost 15 kilos, so I'm sure I'll see good results again soon this time.

That's what's been going on in my life lately. I hope you like the Wear Pink look?
Feel free to take part in the challenge too and post me a link to your outfit in the comments so I can see it, okay? :)
Happy Tuesday!
Hallo meine Liebe :)
ReplyDeleteDie Challenge finde ich super und das Kleid steht dir so ausgesprochen gut! Solltest du öfter tragen!
Ich fühle mich geehrt von dir getagged worden zu sein und mache gerne mit! :)
I'm loving the color of your hair right now! It's such a pretty shade of red. This pink dress is adorable on you too, and such a bargain. I don't find pink that difficult to style but I tend to wear a ton of color most days. It looks good with any neutral but I prefer pink and gray. I also like wearing pink with yellow or navy blue. Maybe that'll give you some ideas for future ways to wear this cute dress!
ReplyDeleteJamie | PetitePanoply.com
'm so glad that La Bohème tagged you for the Wear It Pink Challenge because I love pink and LOVE your Pins + Needles dress! You look fabulous in it! I love the shade of pink, the empire waist, the look of the fabric, the drape, the slightly puffy short sleeves and the ribbing/pleats on the yoke of the dress. Your pendant is pretty and your New Yorker cat face slippers are adorable!
Thanks for accepting the challenge! This is a great look! Glad that you found that dress, I love its shade of pink and it really looks wonderful on you!
ReplyDeleteI own the same shoes, but in turquoise. :)
That pink dress looks lovely, and I love how you paired it with that jacket:)
ReplyDeletePS Good luck on the Weight Watchers. It sounds like it really works for you.:)
I actually love pink! I don't own very much of it but when I do wear it I just love how girly I feel. Those shoes are darling! Thats crazy that you leave so soon! Good luck with your travels I can imagine it can be a bit stressful right now.
Pink is such a beautiful color on you, but it can definitely be hard to style. I really love how you styled it to give your whole outfit an edgy vibe. Best of luck on all of your health goals!
Sweet Helen Grace
Sehr cool! Pink ist ja für gewöhnlich so ne Farbe zu der man doch eher selten greift. Daher find ich die Aktion echt klasse! Glaub ich hätt mich fast etwas schwer getan weil mir spontan gar kein pinkes Kleidungsstück in meinem Kleiderschrank einfallen würde. Aber dein Kleid find ich cool und ich mag die Kombi auch sehr gern!
ReplyDeletesieht toll aus, sehr schöner Look!
Das Kleid sieht wunderschön aus und die Farbe steht dir fantastisch. Ich finde pink nicht so schwer zu kombinieren, aber ich hab auch nicht so viele Sachen in pink. Ich finde es toll das viele Blogger auf die Brustkrebsvorsorge aufmerksam machen. Heilige Sch... hast du schon alle Möbel verkauft? Nächste Woche schon Australien. Ist echt der Wahnsinn. Drück dir die Daumen, das alles klappt :D
Also rosa gemixt mit rockigem Schwarz finde ich sogar richtig gut! Jetzt muss ich mir doch glatt überlegen, ein paar rosa Teilchen einzukaufen. :D Die Kätzchen auf deinen Schühchen sind aber auch total süß! :-) Wow, langsam wird's ernst mit Aussie-Land. Ich bin gespannt, was du vom anderen Ende der Welt berichten wirst! :-)
ReplyDeleteLG, Sabrina
Dieser Look steht dir richtig gut! Und wieso Challenge, bei dir sieht das so einfach aus! Eine wunderschönes Kleid hast du dir hier ausgesucht und super gut gestylt! Echt ein wundervolles Outfit, es gefällt mir sehr gut und steht dir echt hervorragend :)
ReplyDeletePS: Die Ballerinen sind ja wundervoll *__*
Liebe Grüße ♥
Ein wunderschönes Kleid hast du da an! :) Ich finde es steht dir richtig gut ;)
ReplyDeletethat's a lovely dress! and i also love your shoes, so cute:-) x
ReplyDeleteI love the colour of that dress. Not long now until you go to Australia, I can't wait to see some blog posts about it.
ReplyDeleteCorinne x
Sehr schoene Kleid!
ReplyDeletePerfekte Look
Gorgeous! I'm always scared to wear pink being a redhead myself. I steer clear of it most of the time, but you pull it off beautifully. :)
ReplyDeleteDie Schuhe sind herzallerliebst. Wollte ich mir damals auch kaufen, aber gab es nicht mehr in meiner Größe. Glücklicherweise aber dann im Tally Weijl. Zwar in blau, aber im Sale :D
ReplyDeleteYou look gorgeous, pink is a really good colour for you. I love how you toughened up the girly colour with some leather. I am going to have to see if I have any pink lurking in my wardrobe for the challenge, which I accept of course :)
ReplyDeleteGems x
Fashion, Well Done
You look stunning.That dress is so beautiful
ReplyDeleteLove your shoes too
Sieht süß aus! Das Armband gefällt mir besonders gut :)
ReplyDeleteLiebe Grüße <3
Aren't you cute in pinky! I should try my hand at WW. I forgot that was an option. Thanks for the reminder I guess!