Monday, 20 October 2014

my last days in Düsseldorf - a little update

Hello loves!

Only three days left until I'll go to Australia!
Here is a little update on what's been going on lately. I thought it would be nice to simply use my Instagram pics because I've been on Instagram nonstop anyway.

Follow Bad Taste Toast on Instagram if you like! :)

So, what have I been doing? Well, first of all I moved out, painted and cleaned my apartment and returned the keys to the landlord. I've sold a lot of my furniture lately and eventually managed to fit all of my belongings into a 5 sqm trailer (that's what will be stored in my dad's basement).

I've also been enjoying the beautiful autumn we have here this year. I'm staying at a friend's place at the moment and he lives right by the Rhine so I can see the pretty riverside everyday - love it so much!

Oh and then there's the food, right? I've been trying to work off my food bucket list for Düsseldorf. Visited old and new favourite eateries (Kaffeepiraten, Ugly Deluxe, What's Beef) and tried out new things (Yomaro, Stier Royal). As I quit my job at the frozen yoghurt shop I am now finally allowed to try our competitor's products - mmhh yumm it was so good!

What have you been up to lately?
Hope everyone's having a lovely start of the new week!
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  1. Ich wünsche dir eine ganz tolle Zeit da unten und hoffe, dass du mit der Hitze zurecht kommen wirst und alles nach deinen Vorstellungen verläuft! Ich freue mich schon auf deine ersten Postings und wünsche dir vorab einen angenehmen Flug =)

  2. Australia? How exciting! I hope you are ready for spring rather than Autumn!

    Em x

  3. You've obviously been very very busy. Where in Australia are you moving to and for how long? Will it be Spring there when you arrive? It must have been very difficult to fit your belongings into that 5 square meter trailer. It's nice that it will be there for you in your dad's basement. Best of luck. Have a safe trip. As for myself I'm not doing enough lately - just starting to update some permanent links on my blog.

  4. <3 Ich denk an dich!!

    Oh man ist das spannend!!! :oD

    Genieß die letzten Tage in Deutschland und ess noch ein bisschen gutes Brot, Käse und Wurst. Ich folge dir ab jetzt auch auf Instagram und freue mich auf deine updates von Down Under.

    Ganz liebe Grüße!

  5. Wow how exciting, this time next week you will be in Australia and it will be summer and gorgeous. I'm so excited for you, I know youre going to love it :)

    Gems x
    Fashion, Well Done

  6. So jealous you'll be in Australia soon!!

  7. Oh how care free you must feel to be able to fit all your belongings in a trailer!

    Wardrobe Quarry

  8. Ach wie krass, ich bin irgendwie voll aufgeregt aufgrund deiner großen Reise!!
    (total doof, oder?)


  9. Pretty pretty girl. I'm tired of travelling, I need to find a place to rest.


  10. all the best with you and your move!
    that yogurt looks so yummy!!! :D so bad to crave for some right now since it's 10:00 at night, haha!

    Animated Confessions


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