[EN] Hey all!
I have mentioned it before here and there, but in case you don't know: I am an absolute sucker for documentaries!
It all started when the German TV shows got worse and commercial breaks got way too long, so I only used the internet to watch what I wanted to see.
As a poor student and with the strict German media laws I was limited to YouTube, which is fine because I'm not too fuzzy about quality as long as I can see and hear something interesting.
In the course of the years I got hooked on all types of documentaries because YouTube is an endless source and I still come across new interesting videos every week. My favourite topics are ocean and space (both very relaxing), criminology and forensics (just my morbid side), mysteries and ghost stories (my weirdo side) and all sorts of animal and travel documentaries.
Below I've put together my top 5 for you.
[DE] Hallöchen ihr!
Ich habe es immer mal wieder hier und da erwähnt, aber falls ihr es doch noch nicht wisst: Ich bin ein absoluter Doku Junkie!
Es fing alles damit an, dass das deutsche Fernsehprogramm immer schlechter und wie Werbepausen immer länger wurden, so dass ich meinen Fernseher gar nicht mehr eingeschaltet habe. Stattdessen habe ich nur noch über das Internet geschaut weil ich da raussuchen konnte, was ich wirklich sehen wollte. Als armer Student und dank der strammen deutschen Mediengesetze blieb mir für viele Formate nur YouTube als Plattform. War okay für mich, denn ich bin nicht pingelig was Bild- und Tonquali angeht solange ich etwas Interessantes sehen und hören kann.
Im Laufe der Jahre bin ich dann auf allerlei verschiedenen Dokus kleben geblieben, denn YouTube ist da einfach eine unerschöpfliche Quelle auf der ich jede Woche neue tolle Videos entdecke. Meine Lieblingsthemen sind Ozean und Weltraum (beides sehr entspannend), Kriminologie und Forensik (meine morbide Seite), Mystery und Geistergeschichten (meine etwas absonderliche Seite) und allgemein alles was mit Tieren oder Reisen zu tun hat.
Und hier sind jetzt mal meine Top 5 Dokus für euch, viel Spaß!
Übrigens leider alle nur in englischer Sprache gefunden, für Deutsch müsstet ihr selber mal schauen ob ihr was findet, sorryyy!
Übrigens leider alle nur in englischer Sprache gefunden, für Deutsch müsstet ihr selber mal schauen ob ihr was findet, sorryyy!
Planet Ocean - A more than stunning 1.5 hour long film that explores the bond between mankind and the ocean. I could watch this over and over again, it's beautiful!
Reviving the Dead with DIY Forensics: Still Life - This documentary is not for a weak stomach as it shows some pretty graphic images. It tells the story of a forensic dentist who developed a method to identify unidentified mummy corpses in a Mexican town that's ruled by drug wars. He makes the identification of the dead bodies possible by soaking them in a special liquid until they go back to their initial shape and volume. At the same time the docu depicts the city's desperate struggle with drug gangs that kill innocent people every day.
Species Hunter - This is a really interesting docu about the Dutch primatologist Dr. Marc van Roosmalen and one of his field trips along the Amazon river to discover new animal species. Very nice lush green footage of the Amazon jungle and an exciting hunt for unknown animals.
I Have Seen The Earth Change, Mongolia - A beautiful and unusual documentary about Mongolia and its last traditional nomad families. Stunning images of the Mongolian landscape paired with the impressive story of 70-year old Marush Narankhuu, a nomad herd matriarch with 14 children and 40 grandchildren.
I Have Seen The Earth Change is a series of documentaries that covers human stories which tackle global changes, there are episodes about other countries available on Youtube too.
Spooked: The Ghosts of Waverly Hills Sanatorium (trailer only because I couldn't find the full docu online) - This is my favourite simply because I just love ghost stories and the history of haunted places. Waverly Hills Sanatorium is one of the most haunted places (if not THE most haunted one) in the world and the documentary tells the story of how the sanitarium came to its ghosts and provides paranormal footage as a proof.
Let me be honest with you, I merely love this because it's a very American and very entertaining docu that's presented with a lot of "over the top" stuff just to thrill the audience. If you watch it take it with a pinch of salt...
These were my top 5 and I hope you like them.
What are your favourite documentaries? I am always on the hunt for new interesting ones, so please leave me your suggestions in the comments!
im checking out that ghost one!! i love scary films!! :D
ReplyDeleteAnimated Confessions
ReplyDelete¨Great post!
YAY! I am not the only one who searches for the documentaries lol.
ReplyDeleteI LOOOOVE documentaries. Right after psycho thrillers. O:-) ♥
I actually love watching documentaries, I'm always looking for new ones to watch - will check these out!
ReplyDeleteThe Velvet Black // UK Style & Beauty Blog
Super Sache - Dokus kann ich ja auch immer!
I love watching documentary films too when I have free time. I'm definitely going to check these out!
ReplyDeleteWin any top of your choice from Banggood on my blog!
I do love a documentary! One of my faves is The Bridge - it's about the suicide rate of jumpers from the Golden Gate Bridge. Totally compelling. I also recently watched McConkey which I'd never usually have any interest in as it's about a skier, but my boyfriend was watching it and it was really good! I also watched Montage of Heck, the new docu about Kurt Cobain, and if you happen to be a Nirvana fan I can't recommend it enough!