Hello lovelies!
The other day I told you that concerning my move to Australia everything seems to be falling into place finally. Now some things are up to me too, for example the visa, the flight, the budget for my first weeks without a job there.
On Monday I applied for my visa and as the money for it was taken from my account today I'm pretty sure I'll hear back from the agency soon.
The next step will be my apartment. As soon as I receive the confirmation for my visa I will give my landlord a notification and cancel my contract. From that time onwards I will have to get rid of everything I don't want to put into storage (luckily I'll be able to put all my stuff into my dad's basement). Also and most importantly I need to book a flight soon (the sooner the cheaper).
And last but not least and actually the biggest goal hovering above everything else: the budget. I will work a lot and try to save up as much as possible in the course of the next three months.
These are the things I'm determined to achieve until October.

Hand in hand with these goals above will go a shopping ban. I have bought some last important things last week that I wanted and needed but from now on I won't spend any more money on clothing, accessories and such. I will only allow myself to swap because it's a good way of compensating the shopping lust and I can still get rid of pieces I don't wear anymore, so actually swapping is always a win-win situation.
The only exception, something I really HAVE to buy, is a big suitcase!
So I've set my goals, I've written them down (which always helps) and now I have to work for them. And I want to work for them! Australia I'll be coming soon! :)

As for the outfit: the dress is a lovely new piece that I bought second hand via Ebay before my shopping ban. It was an absolute bargain, only 6 € and the adorable tiny dots and the cute collar made me fall in love with it immediately. It's a dress that doesn't need many accessories because it works on its own, that's why I only wore my favourite belt and the golden bracelet with it. Simple basics like denim jacket and black sneakers and I was ready to go.
How do you like it?
Have a lovely day!
Super schönes Outfit ,das Armband ist ebenfalls ein Traum <3 :)
ReplyDeleteWünsche dir ein angenehmes Wochenende ,lg
That dress is a great score:) And wow! You're moving to Australia? All the best!
ReplyDeleteWow, Australia! That's super exciting! Good luck with all the planning, and especially the not shopping part. It will be worth it though!
ReplyDeletei am also moving to australia, but still having thoughts as to what visa to get haha. but yeah, good luck with the move!
ReplyDeleteMy goodness! Moving to Australia?! You're so brave! The farthest I've ever moved from home was about 100 miles away. I'm a wimp... and I'm always broke.
ReplyDeleteFinde ich total super! Als ich nach England gezogen bin, habe ich gut 3/4 meines Kleiderschrankes bei ebay verkauft - war auch eine gute Einnahmequelle! :-)
ReplyDeleteLiebe Grüße
Wow, da kommt wirklich noch einiges auf dich zu! Gerade das Ausmisten stelle ich mir echt schwierig vor...
ReplyDeleteAber es ist nur vernünftig das so zu machen und auch schon mal ein bisschen mehr Geld auf die Seite zu legen. Da scheint ein ganz großes Abenteuer auf dich zu warten. :)
Man kann Doppelbelichtungen heute leider halt nicht mit allen Kameras machen. Daher verstehe ich schon, wenn manche auf Photoshop zurück greifen. Allerdings bin ich selbst auch erst wirklich fasziniert davon, seit ich das in der Kamera machen kann. Das hat mehr analogen Charme und liegt mir mehr als Photoshop. Das ist damit ja schon fast lächerlich, als Fotografin hab ich da ja wirklich den Durchblick. ;)
Wooow, das sind ja großartige Neuigkeiten! Ich wünsche dir auf jeden Fall viel, viel Glück in Australien und hoffe, dass alles genauso wird, wie du es dir wünscht. Und vor allem beim Geld sparen drücke ich dir die Daumen ... ich weiß, wie schwer das ist. =)
ReplyDeleteDas Kleidchen ist total niedlich und wirklich ein richtiges Schnäppchen. 6 Euro?! Wow! :)
GLG, Sabrina
Wow ! Give me your bracelet !
ReplyDeleteBisous !
I love the classic elegance of your shirt dress, wonderfully styled, Are you excited for the world cup final? Thanks for your lovely words over at mine.
ReplyDeleteYou look lovely! I understand why you would be scared to move, its a lot to sort out, xoxo.
ReplyDeleteWow, that's a huge step! But if you're patient everything will work out! I moved across the ocean 5 years ago and it's been awesome :)))
Sounds like you've got it all figured out! Good luck!
ReplyDeleteWow,i admire your courage and wish you all the best dear
ReplyDeleteYou look stunning in that dress
Good luck! I'm sure you will do just fine! Can't wait to hear your stories from Australia!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful look! That dress is so cute and I love the bracelet!
I absolutely love your dress :)
ReplyDeleteI hope everything goes smoothly, good luck for the shopping ban! It will be worth it when you get to Australia :)
Good luck with your move to Australia, it si big step but I am sule you will handle it well...I know what is like to be on shopping ban, when you need safe money for your dream...so again good luck...
I love your eyes :)
ReplyDeleteGeez, that sounds like so much to do and think about! It'll all be SO worth it in the end though :) I've moved across some provinces, but to a whole new country out of continent would be unfathomable for me!
ReplyDeleteAnd love the dress with the adorable peter pan colour and the subtle polka dots!
love the belt!!! such a pretty dress!
ReplyDeleteAnimated Confessions
Nice dress! And I love that belt <3
Ich bin mir sicher, dass du alle deine
ReplyDeleteZiele und Pläne super umsetzen wirst und wünsche dir schon jetzt eine tolle Zeit in Australien. ;)
Und ein Shopping-Verbot muss ich mir bald
auch mal auferlegen, weil ich auch ein wenig Geld zum Reisen sparen muss. ;)
Das Kleid, das du trägst, ist übrigens richtig toll, die kleinen Punkte darauf sind soo süß und allem, was so einen hübschen Kragen hat, kann ich auch nie widerstehen.
Liebe Grüße
Super cute dress! I love it. I'll cross my fingers you'll get good news about your visa soon. Good luck with your big move Down Under! xo
ReplyDeleteLoving the sheer sleeves on this look! And I love how you paired it with that denim jacket! :)
ReplyDeletexo TJ
Those are some awesome goals, love the dress :)
ReplyDeleteDu ziehst jetzt echt nach Australien oder wie? Für immer? *___* was habe ich bitteschön alles verpasst! :D OH man!!! Krass!!
ReplyDeleteUnd wie lief es mit dem Bachelor eigentlich? Darf man dir gratulieren?
Oh, that dress is really adorable. And so inexpensive, what a great find! Good luck with your goals. :)
wunderschöner Look!
Wow! toller Style!! :) Mein Fave :*
ReplyDeleteBoah bist du krass!!!! Zack, ab nach AUSTRALIEN!!!!!! Weiter geht's nicht! :oD
ReplyDeleteHabe heute endlich Zeit und widme mich ca. 700 ungelesenen Blog Posts in Bloglovin. Von daher die späte Reaktion!
Aber ich wünsche dir von HERZEN nur das Beste :)
Ich bin zwar nur in den USA, aber wenn du Fragen hast oder jemanden zum zuhören brauchst der Heimweh kennt: Du weisst wo du mich findest!
Ganz liebe Grüße!!!