Hi loves!
After the excursion to the wedding outfit, which was unusually chic for my kind of style, I'm now back with something "totally me" just in time to herald the weekend.
The temperatures have dropped a little here so that this week I gladly wore my beloved tights and beanies again and mixed the rather autumnal pieces with the floral summer dress. If you ask me this is a perfect transition outfit because it combines the best of both seasons.

So, what's been going on lately? I finally got my act together, kicked my own lazy butt and finished the preparations for the bachelor thesis. I'm finally convinced to officially register and write this shit! I'm so fed up with being a student, I want to move on to the next level. I want a fixed income, a job where I can leave work behind at the end of the day instead of coming home and resting but having a bad conscience because I should actually spend my nights with my head in the books.
After something particular happened last weekend I'm also done with dating. I won't talk about the incident, but let's just say life taught me another lesson about dishonest people and this made me so mad at my whole situation that I decided to say "Screw it!" and quit the whole dating thing immediately. I don't want to meet more douche bags, I'm fine without them and in the next three months I will rather concentrate on university and be a good student for once.
My new plan is to still go out but cut off a conversation on the spot if it should come down to the topic of going on a date. I'm no longer willing to do this, I won't waste my time on all these idiots out there. I don't know any girl who has found her Mr. Right at a club, pub or other party location anyway, so there's no point in trying. Period.

Alright, let's talk weekend plans! I'm not sure about tonight, should I stay at home and curl up in bed with a movie or go out and have some drinks with a friend and his new flat mate? I might decide spontaneously after a little nap later. For tomorrow night a dubstep party it is.
What are your weekend plans?
Have a fab Friday!

now playing: comeback kid - g.m. vincent and I
I absolutely love this look!! That dress is so awesome, especially when paired with the chambray top. And your mustard hat is the perfect topper.
Very cute - I like your hat :)
ReplyDeleteCC xx
Gorgeous hat! <3
Loving this outfit!
ReplyDeleteI love your hat so much!<3
I am now following you too via GFC.
Keep in touch and have a good day!
Daaaanke danke dir du Süsse!!! Freue mich immer wieder über deine lieben Kommis <3
ReplyDeleteDu siehst auch toll aus! Der Stil pass super zu dir! Süss mit einer Prise Coolnes!!! I like :)
Das Kleidchen ist toll! Gut für den Sommer aber auch für kühlere Tage... und so ähnliche Ballerinas habe ich auch! Nur hat unser Hund vorne Löcher reingeknabbert!! :D
lg und ein schönes Wochenende dir <3
Ich stimme dir voll zu. Keiner sollte seine Zeit mit irgendwelchen Idioten verbringen. Dem letzten Idi hab ich gesagt: Da guck ich lieber einem Hund beim scheißen zu, dass macht mehr Spaß. Dein Kleid sieht toll aus und ich liebe Beanies. Wünsch dir ein schönes Wochenende. Ich hab noch keinen Plan was ich mache.
Die Beanie steht dir super! Und deine Ballerinas finde ich ganz toll - Von woher sind die, wenn ich fragen darf? :)
ReplyDeleteLiebst, ina
Petite Saigon
I like so much the print of your dress <3 simply lovely dear
I love your dress!
LOVE this dress, and your blog!
ReplyDeleteNew follower! (:
Aww, ich lieeeeeebe dieses Outfit & deinen Blog & überhaupt.. Du bist richtig hübsch & deine Figur ist richtig schön ♥
ReplyDeleteJaaa ich bin wieder da ^^ Hast du hellere Haare bekommen? Das blau steht dir übrigens sehr gut! Und ich finde auch, dass man in nem Club eh keinen vernünftigen Kerl finden kann!
ReplyDeleteBeim Wedding-Post sieht man auch wie gut dir weiß steht und omg ist das ne tolle Location gewesen! Hätte gerne noch tausend mehr Bilder gesehen - ich liebe ja Hochzeiten!
Sehr süß <3 ,die Farben stehen dir soooo toll! Der Nagellack ist richtig klasse!
ReplyDeleteLG :)
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ReplyDeleteAmazing outfit! Love the dress!!!
I love this dress. Nice pairing for the fall.
Oh man I completely agree with everything you said about not wanting to be a student anymore. I can't wait for some steady income and not having to come home from class and do ten thousand hours of reading and writing papers. I'm seriously sick of it. I wish you the best of luck finishing up your degree!
ReplyDeleteAs for your outfit, it's super cute! This is my kind of fall outfit. I can't wait until the weather cools down here so I can wear tights and comfortably layer my outfit. I love how the denim shirt looks over your cute floral dress.
how cute !! i really love the dress. you look pretty and casual
Total schöne Farben, harmonieren und du siehst spitze aus. Wie immer, ne. ;)
ReplyDeleteDanke für deinen Kommentar!
ReplyDeleteDein Outfit find ich sehr schön,besonders mit der Jeansbluse :)
Liebste Grüße ♥
nice floral prints!
ReplyDeleteDu siehst mal wieder so richtig toll aus! Hab ich schon mal erwähnt, dass ich kräftige Farben extrem gerne an dir mag? :)
ReplyDeleteLiebst, Sara.
You combined the pieces so well!
Rue de Tres Chic
I just found your blog and I really like your concept,plus your pictures are amazing:)
ReplyDeleteWould you like to stay in touch and follow each other?I follow you now, I hope if you can follow me back :)
Tolles Outfit! Steht Dir sehr gut!
Danke fürs kommentieren, ich weiß das sehr zu schätzen!
ReplyDeleteVoll tolles Outfit, das Kleid ist super (das Muster!) und die Schuhe plus Mütze sowieso.
Dir noch einen tollen Abend,
My Mr. Right was a guy who had been stalking me in a coffee shop for three days! A year later we were married. You'll be surprised to find where you'll find that special guy.
ReplyDeleteArghhh love that outfit!~ (The hat is absolutely adorable, I want one just like that~)
ReplyDeleteWould you like to follow each other on GFC/Bloglovin? Junniku blog [Click!]
- A Korean fashion, beauty and lifestyle blog!
Love the print so much
Süßes Outfit, das steht dir auch wirklich gut. :)
Love your outfit =)
ReplyDeleteI'm following you...check my blog too if you want!
With Love
Miss Lil'Susie <3