Sunday, 30 November 2014

more of Perth's street art

Hello people!

The weekend is almost over and there is nothing better than preparing a colourful post full of Perth's street art on a Sunday night for you!
Some of you might remember my first  post about Perth's street art. Well, I've been out and about a lot since then and discovered so much more. Graffitis and other street art awaits you behind every corner here! I learned that you just have to leave the main streets and look into backstreets, backyards and such.

Prince Lane

I stumbled upon Prince Lane by chance because I had just grabbed a yummy coffee at La Veen at King and was instagraming and not paying attention to where I was going. Then I turned left and suddenly found myself in this magical little alleyway that's jam-packed with beautiful colourful art on the walls!

Car Park on Murray Street
So after I had spent ages in Prince Lane taking a million pictures I went down Murray Street in my polkadot rain coat with my coffee in one and my camera in the other hand. After a short walk I came across a car park with lots of different graffitis spread all over the surrounding walls. It's amazing how a grey boring concrete place like a car park is turned into a public outdoor gallery, isn't it?

Wolf Lane

One of the many alleyways you can reach from Murray Street is Wolf Lane - such a cool place! There are lots of hip and quirky little cafés and even more street art pieces there! It's like entering a different world when you leave one of Perth's busiest shopping streets and take a step into this alley to find yourself in a little hipster heaven. 


I hope you enjoyed this second insight into Perth CBD's street art landscape? If yes make sure to drop in next time for more posts about the street art in other parts of the city, okay?!

Have a lovely Sunday!

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  1. Ich liebe Street Art! Je ausgefallener und verrückter, desto besser. :-)

    GLG, Sabrina

  2. Oh very beautiful pics!

  3. omg!! those street murals are insanely cool!! i've always been so fascinated with them!

    Animated Confessions

  4. The street art in your photos in Perth is delightful! The street artists there are obviously very talented, putting a lot of time, thought and effort into their work. Your outfit is pretty. I love the lacy dress and your polka-dot raincoat.

  5. The street art in Perth is gorgeous! Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos. I hope that I can make my way down there someday, and explore what seems to be such a lovely city.


    Sweet Helen Grace

  6. looks like you've been exploring quite a bit:-) those pigs are my favourites, haha! x

  7. That second one is amazing! It looks so 3D. :D

    I hope you can come visit my bloggie now too. Let me know what you think- I just interviewed Elegantees (so exciting)! I look forward to your visit!


  8. So unique and creative. Thanks for sharing. Rachel xo

  9. It's all so awesome! I'd wouldn't mind seeing more

  10. Wow die Graffitis die wir hier haben, sehen im Vergleich dazu richtig jämmerlich aus. Ich bewundere die Leute die so kreativ und begabt sind. Ich kann nicht mal einen Apfel zeichnen. Ich hätte nichts dagegen die Weihnachtszeit in Perth zu verbringen. Ich kann Weihnachten nicht ausstehen :D


  11. Love this! I adore street art. If you get the chance to go to Melbourne there's some incredible stuff there. I like to wander around east London and find the big pieces but also the little tiny ones hidden in corners that you'd ordinarily just walk straight past. It's all so gorgeous.
    Cx / Bloglovin

  12. It's so creepy and fun! I wish it was more popular over there. People mainly just write swear words in spray paint. Doom.

    Corinne x

  13. God those pictures are sooooo cool!

  14. Gosh I never knew they had streetart like this in Perth - it reminds me so much of Shoreditch in England. I also photographed the art work so much while I was there. I work in an art gallery so its a huge passion of mine.
    What you captured is truly beautiful xxx

  15. Wow, that is some wicked street art! Looks awesome :-) What a great setting for a photoshoot.

  16. It's amazing the things that some people can create!

  17. Ja, wie cool ist das denn! Sieht so toll aus, nicht nur so ein lahmes Rumgeschmiere... :-)


  18. Wow, look at all that amazing art, you don't get anything like that where I am, it is usually just rude graffiti :)
    It looks like you are having an amazing time over there, I'm so pleased fo you :)

    Gems x
    Fashion, Well Done

  19. Großartige Fotos! Mir gefällt dort alles richtig gut :)

    Liebe Grüße Hübsche ♡ :)

  20. I love the street art! Great post dear!

  21. I love street art - I hope you will share more with us. I especially love that vampire:)


Thank you so much for your comments, I really appreciate every single one! <3


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