Friday, 25 April 2014

kitties, coffee shops and bbq parties

kitties, coffee shops and bbq parties oufit post title


It's Friday, hooray! Eventhough Monday was a holiday, the week still seemed to be endless. I'm so looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow because on weekdays I get up earlier than actually needed to skype with my boyfriend who is six hours ahaead of my time. Woohoo long distance realtionship... Can't wait for this to be over - not the relationship of course, only the long distance part! I'm counting down the weeks (actually months, but that sounds like way too far in the future, so weeks it is).
I've also been pretty tired in the last few days because I began to work out daily or at least once in two days. I found a really cool YouTube channel called BeFiT with lots of awesome workout videos that will hopefully tone my whole body and help to get rid of the bachelor thesis love handles.

Apart from sleeping in I don't have big plans for the weekend. I will work a trial shift at a coffee shop tomorrow afternoon which will be exciting. I applied for weekend jobs because I have to earn some extra money to make up for not getting alimony anymore since I handed in the bachelor thesis.
I have never worked at a coffee shop and somehow always thought it would actually be pretty cool to try it. I know it can be a pain in the ass too but at the moment I'm looking forward to it, so keep your fingers crossed for me please.

Yesterday night I went to one of my favourite places: Brause - a really small pub / venue for concerts, readings and lots of other cool events. In the warm season they host a barbecue night once a month and yesterday was the first one this year. When I arrived the weather was lovely, very mild and perfect to sit outside, have a drink and snack on grilled bacon or bratwurst. Unfortunately as soon as the meat was on the grill it started raining and later there was even thunder and lightning. That was the wet end of the barbecue party, what a bummer! ut oh well, at least the food was yummy.

Have a happy Friday and a lovely weekend everyone!


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  1. You look fabulous in your very pretty floral print-on-black Gina Tricot skirt. The kitty faces on your New Yorker shoes are very cute to! I also love your eyeliner. Kudos to you both for exercising and for planning on getting some much needed sleep. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you working in a coffee shop. I love coffee. Maybe you'll discover some good varieties and flavours there. A happy Friday and lovely weekend to you, too!

  2. Hallo Ina!
    Vielen Dank für deinen Kommentar.
    Ich glaube auch, dass ich die einzige lächelnde Person im Finanzamt bin :'D
    Btw. meine Fahrprüfung ist super gelaufen, habe bestanden :D

    Dein Outfit finde ich sehr süß,
    den Rock und diese geilen Kitty-Schuhe würde auch ich so tragen :)



  3. Hallo Ina,
    Ich habe auch mal eine Zeit Sport im Internet gemacht. Das war ein Yoga-Kurs und der war wirklich effektiv.
    Ich drücke dir die Daumen für deinen Job und danke dir für deinen LIKE auf Facebook.
    Dein Outfit ist klasse. Girly, aber doch cool.
    LG Cla

  4. You're so cute, I looove your skirt :)
    Bisous !

  5. Du siehst bezaubernd aus. Schöner Rock und die Kitty Ballerinas sind echt so süß. Ich wollte sie mir damals auch kaufen, war aber zu faul sie anzuprobieren und dann waren sich später weg. Privat trage ich fasst nur flache Schuhe, wozu sich abplagen! Gegrillte Bratwurst hätte jetzt auch gerne. Zu dumm das es geregnet hat. Wünsch die ganz viel Glück bei deinen neuen Job!! Hoffe du kannst dann den ganzen tag umsonst Kaffee trinken :D

    xx Mira

  6. Long distance relationships are really hard work, I had one once!

    I love your skirt and the cat shoes!

    Corinne x

  7. I love your unique and charming sense of style, the jumper and skirt are so cute together and love those adorable kitty flats.Thanks for your kind visit, hope you're having a wonderful weekend.

  8. Total coole Kombination! Ich liebe im Moment alles blumige♡♡♡
    Alles liebe aus München, Elisa

  9. that skirt is to die for.

  10. Long distance relationships sound like an absolute drag! Maybe more so for me since I despise talking on the phone. Thankfully, that's not forever :)

    And I love your kitty flats, so precious!

  11. good luck with the new job! hope you like it!

  12. Sometimes the short weeks feel like the longest, don't they?! How exciting that soon you will be closer to your boyfriend! I am interested to hear how your coffee shop trial went!
    Love your cute look with the mix between the girly skirt and the edgy jacket! Those cat shoes are fantastic too!


  13. dein Outfit macht richtig gut Laune!

  14. Sehr geile Idee mit der BBQ Nacht. So Sachen mag ich total gerne! Und deine Lederjacke find ich auch soooo mega! Passt toll zusammen mit dem Rock :-)

  15. Mal wieder perfekt. Der Rock und der Pulli zusammen! Und dann die Schuhe!

    Liebe Grüße,

  16. love your sweater and skirt! you look stunning <3

    Letters To Juliet

  17. Soooooooo great!!!



  18. I love how you paired this outfit together!! :)
    xo TJ

  19. Hey pretty lady - great pictures :)



Thank you so much for your comments, I really appreciate every single one! <3


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